A LESSON about how WORDS can hurt our dreams! 
"My friend and mentor, Keala, on the use of weak words" 
Watch this short video about words that steal your power... 

Keala Is my friend and mentor in the digital marketing business...

He taught me everything I know about digital marketing ... If you enjoyed his frank and straightforward video about words... and you've got an interest in digital marketing,  Keala is a GREAT Trainer... You can see more of him as he explains exactly how digital and affiliate marketing work!  
Live a Big, Happy, Crazy Life!
Life is too short to live the wrong dream!

Keala Kanae has an incredible story of failure...over and over... until he finally figured it out... He shares in this short (less than 7 minute) video some of  what he learned to finally excel in the Digital Marketing Space and become one of the biggest success stories in the world!

ps: I'm proud to call Keala a friend. He is one of the most giving, loving, sharing people I know.

The reason I include this link for Keala is because I have worked with and trained so many folks in the Real Estate industry that spend crazy amounts of time spinning their wheels in an attempt to "Market" themselves and their properties with little or no success!

The sales market, whether Real Estate or any other product or service, has moved from print to digital...
Yes, the personal touch is still massively important.

It's just that today, with digital technology such as Zoom, Facetime, and all the other products out there, the personal touch is through a digital and video marketing platform...

Regardless your product or service, a new skill that MUST be learned by the sales professional today in order to succeed at a high level is Digital Marketing.

So, you might as well learn from the BEST.

Meet my friend, Keala Kanae in his intro....
He has agreed, for now, to allow sign ups for his "Masterclass" for FREE.
Watch his video and take advantage if you want to learn the secrets.    

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